UNBC women’s centre posts ‘No Terfs’ sign on door

Hard fact: women are not welcome to a Women‘s Centre.
Transgender males who think they are women are.

Purple Sage

Hello friends,

This ridiculous sign actually made me come out of my blogging hibernation to make a post. At the University of Northern British Columbia, students have put a “No Terfs” sign on the front door of their Women’s Centre, ironically right above a sign saying “All Welcome.”

This is 2018, and women who understand human reproductive anatomy and whose activism focuses on rights for female humans are no longer welcome in places that purport to enhance rights for female humans. Such women are such loathsome garbage that they aren’t even considered part of the ‘everyone’ who is supposed to be included in all-inclusive spaces. Organizers aren’t able to grasp the basic illogic, stupidity, and misogyny of this position.

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“All The Named Academics Were Women” The Curious Campaign Of Goldsmith University’s Mark Hellen

A transgender lecturer orchestrated a smear campaign against academics across the UK in which universities were described as dangerous and accused of “hate crime” if they refused to accept activists’ views that biological males can be women, it can be revealed.

Being A Girl: A Brief Personal History of Violence

So much “privilege”….

The Belle Jar


I am six. My babysitter’s son, who is five but a whole head taller than me, likes to show me his penis. He does it when his mother isn’t looking. One time when I tell him not to, he holds me down and puts penis on my arm. I bite his shoulder, hard. He starts crying, pulls up his pants and runs upstairs to tell his mother that I bit him. I’m too embarrassed to tell anyone about the penis part, so they all just think I bit him for no reason.

I get in trouble first at the babysitter’s house, then later at home.

The next time the babysitter’s son tries to show me his penis, I don’t fight back because I don’t want to get in trouble.

One day I tell the babysitter what her son does, she tells me that he’s just a little boy, he doesn’t know…

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TransDykes: The Anti-Lesbian Antifa

“TransDykes are heterosexual men who identify as transwomen. They consider Lesbianism a form of fascism because female homosexuality excludes male-bodied persons. But any woman who publicly acknowledges the existence of biologically female human beings is their enemy, especially Feminists, who want to abolish, not celebrate, the sex stereotypes that transwomen identify with.”

Healthcare in Russia

I’ve just had a similarly amazing experience in Belgrade, Serbia.

War Pigs

by Stan Jacox

A couple people on that thread were interested in medical care conditions here (Stan lives in Russia) so I wanted to relate my story that may resonate with them.

I am not sure if this is relevant for the other thread members but here it is.

Regarding health care….As non-citizens you would need insurance or just pay out of pocket. There is no waiting for appointments and there are many intermediate facilities called Polyclinics where most services that are needed for anything except acute care or operations, or hospitalization. That really cuts down on the cost of providing routine care, everything in one building including lab tests.

Cost of services for non-residents is considered expensive by Russians who always assumed it should be free. But to foreigners, the usual response is “Is this ALL?”

Here is a long story of one of the very few times I…

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Robert Fisk still hopes for a Syrian ‘Arab Spring’

“This article, with all its irony, contradictions and intellectual dishonesty, reads at first sight as the work of an aging hack with nothing to say but who is going to say it anyway, in as obfuscating way as possible. But the article is more sinister than that:

Fisk’s article is an obscene call for increased ‘humanitarian’ intervention by NATO, to wage open warfare on Syria, in order to put in place a repressive regime of head-chopping, cannibalistic, Wahhabi extremists, who are total anathema to the vast majority of the Syrian people.”

I think it’s the first of these two. Fisk merits attention only because he has a wide readership (and therefore a degree of influence) through his articles in The Independent.


At the start of the ‘Arab Spring’ in 2011, brighter people in the West remembered Iraq, and so from the outset were sceptical about the forces behind this ‘awakening’. For us slower folk, it took the realisation that the West was never going to allow democracy in Saudi Arabia, but was intent on enforcing regime change in the most progressive and independent countries in the greater Middle East, to realise what a wicked scam the whole Arab Spring deal was.

Robert Fisk, however, embraced the ‘Arab Spring’ from the outset, and has promoted it directly or indirectly since, campaigning vigorously, for example, against Muammar Gaddafi and Bashar al Assad, and generally peddling the NATO line of peace-loving demonstrators, met with violent repression, particularly in the cases of Libya and Syria.  Nothing since has given him pause: not the presence of armed militants from an early stage, the enormous pro-government demonstrations…

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Remembering the victims of the Croatian crimes in Begovo Brdo, Kordun, Serbian Krajina (today Croatia)

Some of the worst crimes during the WWII were committed on 3. April 1942, when Ustasha (armed forces of the Independent State of Croatia, Hitler’s ally , the sole nazi state that hes never been punished for their WW II crimes) were passing through this area. The Croatian leader’s Ante Pavelic battalion under the command of Antonije Mosk was in charge to ethnically cleaning the area. Therefore, they massacred 121 men, women and children. 73 of them were slaughtered by Croats in the forest near the village, after being beaten and forced to dig pits, grave holes for their beloved ones and themselves.

2012 Defense Intelligence Agency document: West will facilitate rise of Islamic State “in order to isolate the Syrian regime”

From 2015: “While initial mainstream media reporting focused on the White House’s handling of the Benghazi consulate attack, a much “bigger picture” admission and confirmation is contained in one of the Defense Intelligence Agency documents circulated in 2012: that an ‘Islamic State’ is desired in Eastern Syria to effect the West’s policies in the region.”

Levant Report

https://levantreport.files.wordpress.com/2015/05/dia-2012-syria-islamic-state1.jpgOn Monday, May 18, the conservative government watchdog group Judicial Watch published a selection of formerly classified documents obtained from the U.S. Department of Defense and State Department through a federal lawsuit.

While initial mainstream media reporting is focused on the White House’s handling of the Benghazi consulate attack, a much “bigger picture” admission and confirmation is contained in one of the Defense Intelligence Agency documents circulated in 2012: that an ‘Islamic State’ is desired in Eastern Syria to effect the West’s policies in the region.


The DIA report, formerly classified “SECRET//NOFORN”…

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